I find such inspiration from Game of Thrones and since tonight is the premiere I decided to cosplay as some characters and have some fun. My dog looks a bit like a Dire wolf so I wanted to throw her in there since she is also in many of my cosplays. I do not have red hair at them moment so I did not show my face when I did a few pics of Melisandre (the red witch) I will get a wig some day and shoot some killer pics some time. I have been asked over and over to do a Khaleesi cosplay so here it is! For those of you that know her by her nick name Khaleesi (mother of dragons. The characters full name is Daenerys Targaryen. My hair was recently bleached khaleesi blonde and is very platinum at the moment so I wanted to incorporate that into the look. If you do not have pale blonde hair you can always get a wig like the actress does. If you have done Game of Thrones cosplay I'd love to check out the photos! Please comment below and send me your link. I will be putting these photos on my Deviant Art page as well. Below I will give a tutorial on how I achieved the look. You don't have to have her skin tone to cosplay as her. I am very naturally pale but if I need to transform into a different race or look I always have bronzer. If you need to cosplay as someone pale like her you don't have to pale your face at all you can be a different version of her no matter where you are from. Don't get discouraged! I love helping people out with their cosplays. If you happen to cosplay as someone with a different body shape there are ways of creating illusions of height, body weight etc. Fortunately the actress who plays Daenerys and I are fairly the same height etc. so this was very easy to achieve. However I played Sally from Nightmare before christmas and needed to wear heels to elongate myself although most of my photos I took were with flats haha! ENJOY!! and Happy Game of Thrones day :D
First look: Daenerys after she emerges from the fire and her dragons hatch.
To achieve this look I braided my pale blonde hair into two braids and attached them with a small clasp in the back. You can use anything from a small hair band or clasp etc. I put a bit of cover up over my spots in my skin tone. The actress who plays her has fuller lips then I so I lined my lip top and bottom with lip liner and put some nude lipstick on then went over it with a bit of light beige/peach in the middle to achieve a fuller, plumper lip. To thin out your nose a bit you can do contouring or if you have a character with a wider nose you can reverse contour with lighter colors and create an illusion. It doesn't really matter most people pay attention to eyes and lips and the eyebrows etc. For my eyebrows I needed to fill them in much darker and fuller. If you have thin eyebrows it won't work well since her full eyebrows are a key definer in this character. I just took an eyebrow pencil light to medium brown. (Must be darker than hair) and I filled it in. First I brushed upwards and then filled in upwards and filled in darker out at the sides. I also did a winged tip eyeliner effect even though she does not wear this in the film I thought why not? haha You should try and use natural make up if you want to be very accurate. I had smudged pink shadow but you can use nudes. I will be using nudes and browns for my second Khaleesi scenes.
For the ashes effect I just used a bit of black/coal eye shadow. You can make it darker if you wish but make sure you smear and blend a bit to make sure it is applied all over. It needs to look like you emerged from the fire. On the inner corner of my eyes I applied a bit of white liner and smudged to give a glistening effect like I was a bit sweaty/hot etc. I also applied high lights to show a small bit of detail of sweat all over key parts of my face in the t zone so the nose, cheeks to make them look a bit flushed but not too flushed and upper part of my lips.
Body: I made sure to place coal shadow on the middle and edges of my collar bones and smear. I wore a tube top and wore it very low and had the photographer shoot just above the edge of the tube top to make me appear naked. You can always take photos in the nude if you like however your neighbors may not understand lol
For the dragon prop I just used a local plushie from the book store. You can use any color dragon however in the scene the dragon is red so I would try and get as accurate to the scene as possible if you like that sort of thing but if you want a purple dragon go for it! I would suggest shooting Khaleesi pics somewhere near nature like beaches, trees etc. I shot in my yard and faded out the fence with editing on my computer. It is cool because it gave the shoot a hazy magical feel.

For Melisandre I obviously don't have red hair so I just wore the cape color that best matched her cape like dress in the series. I loved doing this. I covered my face to appear more mysterious and evil and although she does not own a dire wolf I thought it would be a cool touch. My dog Lux appears in many of my cosplays and she loves it! I took her collar off to have her appear more wild, free and natural. If you play Melisandre you can get away with quite a few outfits you do NOT need to wear exactly what she wears in films etc. Most of my cosplays do not always have exact outfits.
Second Khaleesi look: For this look I took my hair down and braided thicker braids on each side of the front of my hair. To achieve this look braid your hair back and place it in pony tail. If you braid it front and then fling it back it will make a lump on your hair/head and it might not look as nice. I braided two tiny braids and let them hang near the sides.
Fort he outfit: I just donned mary janes and I used a white dress to show that she was in princess mode. Find something medieval or you can find a replica of her halter dresses and tops but it might cost a bit. I wore a choker that I got from a friend I model for at a place called Arsenic Fashions. She had this dragon choker that I had been lusting after for quite some time and it was the perfect touch to my Daenerys outfit. My makeup I used pink shadow again but taupe or nudes would work great also. In addition the the shadow I put a nude foundation on my face, blended it and placed high light shadow on the top of my arches near my eye brows and blended to make me a bit more dewy looking. For lips I used a more nude lip liner and a nude lipstick.
For the dragon eggs: I found dragon eggs on Amazon but you can find them on ebay or etsy. Also you can make them yourself. There are many tutorials online.
I am fortunate to have my wedding ring be actual dragons intertwined! This journal I picked up at Barnes and Noble. Seemed like something cool Daenerys might have on her shelf.
Hope you enjoyed my Game of Thrones cosplay tutorial. Cheers!